I know, I know. I don't call. I don't write. I'm being a horrible blogger. Life is getting in the way of my blogging. And my cleaning. And my everything. But everyone is happy, healthy (for the most part) and getting along just fine.
Last weekend we went to Lake Mary for the weekend to see my lovely friend, Shannon and her family. It was so nice to see her and Dave and the kids. I miss them so much. I know it's only an hour or so away, but it feels like she's overseas because she's not around the corner anymore. RJ even said, "We can't ride our bikes to Shannon's anymore...she lives in another country." That's what it feels like. But I'm kind of getting used to it. I make a friend. I decide I love them. They move. Robin. Holly. SHANNON. Anyone else seeing a pattern??? Is it me? Do I offend???? Anyway, we had such a great time. The kids played and played and the adults...had wine...and drank wine...and...opened some wine;) I will post some pictures of the wildlife Shannon and Dave have in their neighborhood. You won't believe it.
RJ started another season of soccer. Jackson is sitting this one out due to what I like to call "an over-achiever's schedule". He'll play in the spring when his life calms down a bit. RJ is kicking some serious butt on the soccer field. I don't mean he's good. I mean he's amazing and he has a freakish talent that I don't know how he got. Well, he probably gets it from his cousins...they're freakishly good at sports as well. Me? Not so much. After scoring 5 goals in the first half of his game yesterday, Ray and I pulled him aside and asked him to please play some defense and help his teammates score. He did. And then scored another one "by accident" according to him. You gotta love him.
OK. That's about it for now...I'm going to try and be more pro-active about the blog since I'm hearing it from the Northerners.
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