Thursday, October 23, 2008

How priorities change...

Just a quick post...
I am off to a Black Tie Event tonite. In ten minutes my co-worker, Laurie, will be picking me up and we are off to the Brandon Chamber of Commerce's Awards for Businesses, in which our school is up for an award. I'm very fancy right now, in a black dress and high heels and too much makeup. I should be excited for the night out, after all there is a cocktail hour, lol!
But in the other room, I hear Ray (Mr. Perfect Husband & Father) decorating the cupcakes I made with the kids earlier. They're at the table, armed with orange and black sprinkles, icing, and candy corn. It sounds like they're having fun. I'd rather be covered in processed sugar than going to a fancy event where I only have to eat, drink and be merry.
Isn't it funny how our priorities change?


Anonymous said...

Yes, our priorities change as we grow, even more so when you have children! At least Ray is there to decorate the cupcakes! He needs his memories of the fun silly times with the kids too! Not just the horseplay and ER visits!

Hope you have a wonderful, grown up night!

Neesmom said...

Hope you have a great time, Jell? And that you finally had a chance to wear the black dress...we all deserve that once in a while. Tonight was Ray's turn for icing and sprinkles.

Love you so much!!