Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Look what we did today!

We put the "fake" up in the playroom today. The boys were so proud of themselves, they basically decorated the whole thing by themselves. Of course they didn't touch the Mickey ornaments! We'll put the real thing up in the living room in a few more weeks-can't wait!
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Neesmom said...

Is that the train Daddy gave them? If it is, he will be so glad it is back in service again. He loved that thing.

Danielle said...

It is, and I want to commend you on your organizational skills of labeling every track by number. HOWEVER, you left the batteries in it and battery acid leaked all over the coal caboose and we don't have any new C batteries so we'll have to wait and see! The boys are crawling out of their skin to get their hands on some C batteries, but my hands are tied until tonite!

Neesmom said...

Ooops on the battery thing (maybe Daddy left them in there - lol). So is it working yet?